On-line Interactive GIS Map Platform: An Enabling Initiative for the Emerging Tidal Energy Industry

A proof-of-concept Geographic Information System (GIS) platform was developed aiming at building a decision-making tool that integrates complex spatial information of importance to the tidal energy industry while also being scalable, flexible and accessible.  The platform was built on open source software and uses the industry standard for communicating spatial data. The current version of the platform integrates high-resolution numerical models of the hydrodynamics in the FORCE and Digby regions and displays several other physical and environmental layers with the ability to query and highlight regions of particular interest such as high tidal power density and minimal turbulence areas. 


Principal Investigators: Dr. Anna Redden, Dr. Richard Karsten and Meghan Swanburg, Acadia University; Dr. Joel Culina, Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy (FORCE); Bob Covill, TekMap Consulting

April 2015 – April 2016